NextGen Infosec Training

Online Courses

SecurityTube currently offers the following Certifications:



The SecurityTube Python Scripting Expert (SPSE) aims to teach you how to apply the powerful Python language to security research, penetration testing and attack automation using a fully hands-on practical approach with a gradual learning curve. This course has something for everyone – from the novice to the expert user! For more information, visit the SPSE page.





The SecurityTube Linux Assembly Expert (SLAE) aims to teach the basics of assembly language on the Linux platform from a security perspective and its application to writing shellcode, encoders, decoders and crypters, among other things.  For more information, visit the SLAE page.





The SecurityTube Linux Assembly64 Expert (SLAE64) aims to teach the basics of x86_64 assembly language on the Linux platform from a security perspective and its application to writing shellcode, encoders, decoders and crypters, among other things. For more information, visit the SLAE64 page.





The PowerShell for Pentesters course aims to bring PowerShell goodness to the information security community. Focus of this course is on using PowerShell as a platform for penetration testing, red teaming and security research using a hands-on approach with a balanced learning curve. This course aims to change your approach towards Windows security testing. For more information, visit the Powershell for Penstesters page.





This course provides a beginner friendly introduction to the world of exploit research and bug hunting! We spend over 6+ hrs of video time learning the basics of buffer overflows on 32-bit Windows and exploiting over 10+ real world and staged application to illustrate various concepts. For more information, visit the Buffer Overflow page.





Linux Forensics will guide you step by step through the process of investigating a computer running Linux. Everything you need to know from the moment you receive the call from someone who thinks they have been attacked until the final report is written is covered. All of the tools discussed in this course are free and most are also open source. For more information, visit the Linux Forensics page.





USB Forensics unlocks the mysteries of what happens from the moment you plug in a USB device until you disconnect it.  USB Mass Storage devices are the focus of the course.  In addition to leveraging Linux and free tools to learn how USB devices work, you will learn how to build USB Mass Storage device pocket forensic duplicators, write blockers, and impersonators. For more information, visit the USB Forensics page.





The Android Security and Exploitation is intended to be a really step-by-step instructor led course helping students get started with Android application security through a hands-on approach, and lead them to find vulnerabilities in real world Android applications. This course will teach you how to perform security assessment and penetration testing on Android applications. For more information, visit the Android Security page.





Javascript for Pentesters will take you beyond alert(‘XSS’) and equip you to demonstrate advanced attacks such as Hijacking Forms, Logging Keystrokes, DOM manipulation etc. This course is Beginner friendly. For more information, visit the Javascript page.





The coherent teaching style and technically challenging lab exercises in the SecurityTube Metasploit Framework Expert(SMFE) certification help towards a gradual and comprehensive learning curve for the student. For more information, visit the SMFE page.





The SecurityTube iOS Security Expert (SISE) dives deep into iOS and equips you with the bleeding edge techniques to analyze, pentest and secure iOS applications. For more information, visit the SISE page.